Tijuana is a unique city. Perched on the very edge of Mexico the whole city seems smashed up against the tall fence that marks the US/Mexico border. It's unique in other ways too. In the "North Zone" (the red light district) young women line the streets their faces blank, their short skirts too short and their faces plastered with make-up.
Red light districts exist everywhere in the world but some are more obvious than others. Tijuana is the first place I've been where so many women line the streets. I've seen brothels, I've seen a few ladies here and there... but not so many all at once all on the same road.
A few nights ago we talked to three American men on the strip and asked them where we could find the youngest girls. "All the classy women work in these bars," they said pointing towards the bright neon lights of two high end bars. "They're older and they do it by choice. It's good money. The younger ladies, the underage ones, they're on the street."
When I asked they if they thought the girls wanted to be there he said, "Of course they do. They probably have family and kids somewhere and they need the money. If it wasn't for us they wouldn't be able to feed their kids. They wouldn't be able to make any money and they'd probably starve."
I clarified. So you're doing them a favor?
"Absolutely. We're helping them"
Right. Nice help. Then why don't you just give them your money and leave? Are you really so benevolent that you actually care about the fate of these women? Do you even know if she has kids or why she needs the money? And do you really thing they choose to prostitute themselves if they have to do it in order to feed their kids?
I didn't ask these questions but I wanted to. I also wanted to punch them all but I resisted. Instead I walked away saddened by the lies and excuses people tell themselves to justify their perversions and saddened by the lives these women lead standing on street corners late into the night waiting for cash.
There are givers and takers on those very streets. Which one is which? Maybe one is more ignorant than the other, who really knows? I feel bad for both.